Terry Nolan Commitment to Community Scholarships
In accordance with our mission statement where we strive to support our players in reaching their full potential, both on and off the field, we are now offering the BUSC Scholarship. We hope to support student athletes who exemplify the model Union community athlete, helping them achieve their goals off the field.
I. Funding
Scholarship proceeds will be budgeted annually and raised by community sponsorships and Club-wide fundraising. The total amount of money allocated for four scholarships is $2,000. Each scholarship will be in the amount of $500 and will be awarded annually to four eligible applicants.
II. Program Design
Eligibility: 8th and 12th graders participating in good standing with Baltimore Union Soccer Club entering high school or college in the Fall of the current year.
Requirements for eligibility
• Participation in the BUSC program, in good standing, since the start of this seasonal year
Number of scholarships: 4, each $500
Renewal: One time
Frequency: BUSC will offer the scholarship program annually
Evaluation, selection, and notification: the Board of Directors for Baltimore Union selects several members to review the applications after personal information has been redacted. Recipients will be contacted two weeks after the deadline.
Payment: Winners will be announced, and checks will be awarded in June to each recipient.
III. Application
8th or 12th grade Baltimore Union players can complete the application form here:
Applications will be accepted from 2/1/2025 to 3/31/2025.
Your successful submission will be confirmed via email.
Email questions regarding the scholarships to: Derek Woodward (wideworldofwood@gmail.com)
Baltimore Union Soccer Club
Scholarship Committee
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Baltimore Union Soccer Club
Scholarship Committee
Baltimore Union Soccer Club is a part of White Marsh Recreation Council which is a tax-exempt 5013© non-profit organization.
Free injury clinic.
Our MedStar Health Free Injury Clinic is back for the spring from March 13th - April 27th. This clinic is open to all Baltimore Union players and their families.
Stop by for a free injury evaluation and treatment plan with Ryan or Cameron, one of our MedStar Health physical therapists. No insurance required.
Wednesday's from 6-7pm
March 13, 20, 27 and April 3, 10, 17, 24
5009 Honeygo Center, Suite 209, Perry Hall, MD 21228